Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Howard Dean: Iran is the farthest thing from an Islamic Republic

Adelle Nazarian from Breitbart News interviewed Howard Dean last month in Paris at the Free Iran rally organised by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK).
Dean, a former Vermont Governor, said that “Iran is the farthest thing from an Islamic Republic” and Iran is not “a Muslim country”, it is instead a republic that has been “hijacked by thugs and murderers”.
Speaking about the Iran nuclear agreement he said that although he was not opposed to it, the final deal was not a “good deal” – the regime got a lot more than they should have. The regime is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism and they are creating difficulty for US allies, he said. In a few years, he added, we will know whether the deal worked or not, and that result will contribute to Obama’s reputation as a good or “not-so-good” president.
Regarding Saudi Arabia’s presence at the event, the interviewer asked Dean if he believes that Saudi Arabia really is an ally of the US. Dean said that although he has his problems with the country, namely its disrespect for human rights, he does believe that they are true allies. He said they are a “key partner”.............

Howard Dean: ‘I Don’t Consider Iran to Be a Muslim Country’

PARIS — Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean told Breitbart News that “Iran is the farthest thing from an Islamic Republic” and that Iran is not “a Muslim country.”
Instead, Dean said, Iran is “a republic that’s been hijacked by thugs and murderers.” He explained that he does not know Muslims whom he respects and who behave the way the regime does.

Dean was speaking exclusively to Breitbart News from Paris last month during a conference hosted by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). The PMOI (also referred to as MEK) is an opposition movement that played an active role in overthrowing Iran’s last Shah while President Jimmy Carter was in power, and which was de-listed as a terrorist organization under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

During the interview, Dean also pointed out his belief that the term “radical Islamic terrorism” is a manufactured phrase “for political, domestic consumption in America.”...............

UPDATE: Sunni prisoners believed to have been mass executed today in Iran

NCRI - According to information from Iran's notorious Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran, the mullahs' regime is believed to have mass executed Sunni prisoners on Tuesday.

Their families had been informed to go to the prison before 15.00 (local time) on Tuesday to visit them for a final time.

One of the families who were on route to the the prison were called in the middle of the road and told that they should instead collect the body of their loved one from the morgue.

Another report from the family of a victim said the families were told to visit their loved ones for a final time in the prison before 15.00. When the family arrived at the prison, they were told to go instead to the coroner's office to collect the body of their loved one who had already been executed.

List of names of 28 Sunni prisoners who had been forcibly moved out of Hall 10 of Ward 4 in Gohardasht Prison in the afternoon of Monday, August 1, 2016:..............

PMOI supporters in Iran prison summoned after secret mass executions

NCRI – At 17.30 (local time) on Tuesday, August 2, 2016, prison wardens in the notorious Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran, summoned numerous political prisoners who support the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK). This move came just hours after the mullahs’ regime is believed to have mass executed more than 20 Sunni prisoners in the notorious jail.

The political prisoners who were summoned included PMOI (MEK) supporter Afshin Baymani.

Mr. Baymani was subsequently transferred to an unknown location.

Gohardasht Prison is currently on a state of alert with a heavy security presenc.............

Maryam Rajavi: Mass execution of Sunni prisoners is a crime against humanity and its perpetrators must be brought to justice

Maryam Rajavi called the execution of a large number of Sunni prisoners in Gohardasht Prison, "an appalling crime against humanity." The Iranian Resistance's President-elect extended her sincere condolences to the families of the victims, the Sunni community and all the people of Iran. She called on Iranian youths to stage protests against such barbaric crimes and to rise up in support of and in solidarity with the families of the victims.

She also urged Shiite and Sunni clergies around the world to not remain silent vis-à-vis this major atrocity and denounce Ali Khamenei, the great enemy of the people of Iran and the region, for his anti-human and anti-Islamic crimes.

Maryam Rajavi added: The mullahs' anti-human regime carried out the mass execution of our Sunni brothers on the anniversary of the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran. They are trying in vain to contain the volatile social atmosphere and popular protests by terrorizing the public.

The NCRI President-elect pointed out: The 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran is the biggest crime of its kind since World War II. The clerical regime's crimes systematically committed over the past 37 years are all examples of crime against humanity, war crimes or genocide. And how the international community reacts to these crimes is its great test.........

'You're too late' –families not allowed to say goodbye before mass execution in Iran – The Express

The following is a report published by Britain's Express about the brutal massacre of Sunni prisoners in Iran today:

The Express

'You're too late' Heartbreak of families who miss final goodbye before mass execution

FAMILIES preparing to say a final farewell ahead of a mass execution were told they were too late and their loved ones were already dead by prison officials.


PUBLISHED: 20:45, Tue, Aug 2, 2016 | UPDATED: 20:54, Tue, Aug 2, 2016

Relatives of prisoners were told this morning to visit one last time but when they arrived they were told the inmates had already been hanged.

Instead of saying goodbye, the families were told to go to the morgue to collect the bodies.

The mass execution took place at Gohardasht Prison in Iran this morning, with at least 20 Sunni inmates hanged........

'You're too late' Heartbreak of families who miss final goodbye before mass execution

Relatives of prisoners were told this morning to visit one last time but when they arrived they were told the inmates had already been hanged.

Instead of saying goodbye, the families were told to go to the morgue to collect the bodies.

The mass execution took place at Gohardasht Prison in Iran this morning, with at least 20 Sunni inmates hanged.

Gohardasht Prison has declared a state of emergency and it's believed the execution was brought forward in order to avoid protests....

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

حركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني " فتح "/الصفحة الرسمية

فتح : تصريحات شيخ الاسلام الايراني بحق الرئيس انعكاس لسياسة منظومته المدمره في المنطقة العربية
اعتبرت حركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني فتح تصريحات مستشار وزير الخارجية الايراني حسين شيخ الاسلام بحق الرئيس القائد العام للحركة محمود عباس ابو مازن انعكاسا لمفاهيم الخيانة والباطنية الناظمة لسياسة القائمين بأدوار تخريب وتدمير وشق الصف الفلسطيني ، والعاملين على شرذمة الأمة العربية والاسلامية، والداعمين للانقلاب والانقسام في وطننا فلسطين وفي كل مكان من البلاد العربية ودول المنطقة .
وجاء في بيان للحركة صدر عن مفوضية الاعلام والثقافة :" ان الحركة وبعد قراءة دقيقة لتصريحات مستشار وزير الخارجية الايراني المسيئة للرئيس القائد العام ، ردا على استقبال سيادته لرئيسة المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية في الخارج مريم رجوي في مقر اقامته بباريس ، يثبت لنا ، فظاعة دور القائمين على خدمة المشروع الصهيوني بحملاتهم المنظمة على رئيس الشعب الفلسطيني وقائد حركة تحرره الوطنية ، وعلى القضية الفلسطينية ، الذين لعبوا سعوا ومازالوا لتدمير وتخريب الصف الفلسطيني ، و تعميق الانقسام ، وشجعوا طرف على آخر من اجل اكتساب مواقع متقدمة لمصالحهم لاأكثر ، واهداف لاعلاقة لها بالقدس اولى قبلتي المسلمين وثالث الحرمين الشريفين ، ولا بعدالة القضية الفلسطينية ، وانما اخذ طرف فلسطيني كورقة تخدم مصالحهم وفرض وتوسيع نفوذهم الاقليمي فقط .
وذكرت فتح المدعو شيخ الاسلام بفظاعة الخيانة التي ارتكبها هو وأمثاله ، عندما اغتالوا قيم الوفاء لحركة فتح التي احتضنت الثورة الايرانية، ومدتها بكل وسائل الدعم المادي والعسكري والمالي ، وفتحت قواعدها للثوار على امل ان يكون هؤلاء سندا للقضية الفلسطينية في اطار سياسة بلادهم ، فاذا بنا لانلمس منهم الا الغدر والانقلاب على قيم الوفاء ، والتمادي في دعم الانقلابيين في فلسطين ، الذين وافقوا على دولة فلسطينية بحدود مؤقتة ، على حساب ثوابت الشعب الفلسطيني وأهدافه الوطنية .
وحذرت فتح من المساس بالرئيس ابو مازن الذي تراه الحركة ضمير الشعب الفلسطيني وخطا احمر لن يسمح لأحد الاقتراب منه 
بالاساءة او التشكيك باخلاصه للشعب الفلسطيني الذي انتخبه

Fate of Iran rulers tied to women's veil (Hijab)

Why have Tehran mullahs begun a new round of repression of women?
Thirty-eight years after the clerical regime took power in Iran
and imposed the mandatory veil on women, today, one of the most serious political and security predicaments of the mullahs is Iranian women and girls' active refusal to give in to the medieval laws instructing them to wear the veil.
Unable to respond to the needs of a progressive and freedom-loving society that had torn the bondage of a monarchic dictatorship, the new fundamentalist regime in Tehran found the solution for imposing its rule in coercing women to wear the veil and suppressing the entire society thereby.
The solution fit well with the mullahs' misogynist vision and allowed them to conceal their political oppression and savagery in a religious wrap for justification. That is why misogyny and suppression of women are indispensable to the regime's domestic repression and has turned into a pillar of the mullahs' rule, just as important as their policies of warmongering, export of terrorism and acquiring the nuclear bomb.
In the beginning of the 21st century, however, after almost four decades of excessive restrictions, coercion and discrimination against women, and despite deployment of at least 26 cultural, religious, military, disciplinary, legislative, judicial and executive agencies, the regime's failure to contain Iran's resilient women and girls has turned into a political scandal and security threat. For this reason, the regime finds itself in need of imposing further restrictions and the mullahs' supreme leader has personally intervened..............

52 youths awaiting execution in Tehran Prison

NCRI - At least 52 youths under the age of 32 are awaiting the implementation of their execution sentences in Greater Tehran Prison (Fashafouyeh Prison), according to reports from the prison.

Among these death-row inmates, 32 are imprisoned in Section 1 and another 20 are incarcerated in Section 2 of the prison.

According to informed sources, over 100 death-row prisoners in Unit 2 of Ghezel-Hesar Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran, who engaged in a series of strikes and rioting have been transferred to Fashafouyeh Prison.....

Saeed Abedini Reveals Prophetic Dream of Holy Spirit Preparing Him for Prison Torture Read more at Read more at

American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who was held hostage for three-and-a-half years inside an Iranian prison for his Christian faith, revealed that he had a prophetic dream about the suffering he would face right before he was taken by Iranian authorities.

Abedini recalled in a Facebook post on Sunday the events of July 28, 2012, when he was traveling on a bus from Georgia to Turkey and Iran. He said that he fell asleep on the bus, and experienced a detailed dream:

"In my dream I was on a bus, and the bus was full of political and religious leaders. The bus went into the yard of Evin prison, and we had to surrender to all the guards and soldiers that had been working for the prince of Persia. There was no way out," he wrote.

"It was almost 12 p.m., and I when I woke up I told my dream to the person next to me and wrote it out as a text message. Suddenly a guard of Sepah, the militia group of Iran, stopped the bus, and a soldier came onto the bus and called my name. 'Who is Saeed Abedini?' I raised up my hand, and he told me to follow him," he added.

Abedini, who spent a significant portion of his prison sentence in the notorious Evin Prison, says that the guard led him to his office, and took his passport.

"Right then I knew my life would change in a very hard way," the pastor continued.

"Prison, torture and the loss of so many things happened in a few minutes. I felt the heaviness of the world on my shoulders and chest and heart, like the Earth placed a huge rock on me, and I must bear it," he said.

Abedini has shared the details of his prison suffering on a number of occasions since his release back in January. The pastor was beaten, denied medical attention, and pressured by Iranian officials to deny his Christian faith, but refused to do so.

At one point he was told "for you it's the end, you will never get out of this prison."....................

American Pastor Saeed Abedini Shares Prophetic Dream He Claims Prepared Him for Suffering in Iranian Prison

American Pastor Saeed Abedini was held for three-and-a-half years in an Iranian prison for sharing his Christian beliefs. During that time, he was beaten, tortured and pressured by Iranian officials to deny his faith, but he refused.

Abedini, who has been vocal about his harrowing experience, shared a story in a Facebook post Sunday that detailed a dream he had just prior to his capture. He claims the dream prepared him for the anguish he would face at the hands of the Iranian authorities..............

Iranian opposition consolidates efforts with Palestinians

President of National Council of Resistance (NCR) Maryam Rajavi met on Saturday, in Paris with the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. At the meeting, the two politicians reiterated the need to combat terrorism and fundamentalism in the region, and discussed the French initiative to revive peace process between Israel and Palestine.

Rajavi, a leader of the Iranian opposition in exile met with Mahmoud Abbas, who visited Paris to discuss two-state solution with the French President Francois Hollande and US Secretary of State John Kerry. Abbas expressed his solidarity with the NCR, whereas Rajavi supported the initiative of France regarding the resumption of Israel-Palestine peace talks, and accused the Iranian regime of instigating sectarian discord in the region.

The NCR was founded in July 1981 in Tehran to oppose the fundamentalist regime ruling Iran and establish a pluralist democracy. Eventually, the Council moved its headquarters to Paris. On July 9, 2016 NRC organised an annual rally in the capital of France, which brought together dissidents and activists living in exile from Iran around the world.............

Fatah’s response to Iran regime following Maryam Rajavi’s meeting with Mahmoud Abbas

NCRI - Following the meeting between Iranian Resistance President-elect Maryam Rajavi and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday in Paris, Fatah’s Information and Culture Commission has slammed the remarks by the advisor to the Iranian regime's Foreign Minister as “a reflection of the policy of his destructive system.”

Hossein Sheikholeslam, an adviser to the mullahs' Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, issued on Sunday a hysterical reaction to the meeting. His remarks were published throughout the Iranian regime's state media.

Fatah’s Information and Culture Commission responded with a powerful statement on Sunday:

"The Palestinian National Liberation Movement, Fatah, regards the remarks by Hossein Sheikholeslam, advisor to the Iranian Foreign Minister, about President and Commander-in-Chief of the movement, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), as a reflection of the betrayal and the policy of those who have a destructive role and who sow divisions among Palestinian ranks and among Arab and Islamic nations and who support coups and division in our country Palestine and in all parts of Arab and regional countries."............

#Iran: Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, meets President Mahmoud Abbas

On Saturday evening (July 30, 2016) Mrs Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, met with Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, and they discussed the crises in the region.

President Mahmoud Abbas, at the meeting, reiterated the need to combat fundamentalism and terrorism in the region and informed Mrs Rajavi of the latest developments in the Middle East, in particular regarding Palestine and France’s initiative.

Mrs Rajavi expressed gratitude for the solidarity of the Palestinian resistance and its leader with the Iranian people and Resistance. She expressed hope that the goal of the Palestinian people would be achieved.

Mrs Rajavi believes that the Iranian regime is the main instigator of sectarian discord in the region, in particular in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine, but she added that today the mullahs’ regime is at its weakest and most fragile and vulnerable state. She said that this could seen in the reaction of the regime’s officials and state media to the Iranian Resistance’s July 9 gathering.

Mrs Rajavi said the Iranian regime is fearful of the solidarity and unity between the Iranian people’s resistance movement and the countries and nations of the region. She said that Iranian people and the Iranian resistance ought to take the initiative to free the region from the scourge of fundamentalism....

Howard Dean: ‘I Don’t Consider Iran to Be a Muslim Country’

PARIS — Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean told Breitbart News that “Iran is the farthest thing from an Islamic Republic” and that Iran is not “a Muslim country.”
Instead, Dean said, Iran is “a republic that’s been hijacked by thugs and murderers.” He explained that he does not know Muslims whom he respects and who behave the way the regime does.

Dean was speaking exclusively to Breitbart News from Paris last month during a conference hosted by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). The PMOI (also referred to as MEK) is an opposition movement that played an active role in overthrowing Iran’s last Shah while President Jimmy Carter was in power, and which was de-listed as a terrorist organization under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

During the interview, Dean also pointed out his belief that the term “radical Islamic terrorism” is a manufactured phrase “for political, domestic consumption in America.”

The transcript of the interview follows (emphasis added):...........

UPDATE: Sunni prisoners believed to have been mass executed today in Iran

NCRI - According to information from Iran's notorious Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran, the mullahs' regime is believed to have mass executed Sunni prisoners on Tuesday.

Their families had been informed to go to the prison before 15.00 (local time) on Tuesday to visit them for a final time.

One of the families who were on route to the the prison were called in the middle of the road and told that they should instead collect the body of their loved one from the morgue.

Another report from the family of a victim said the families were told to visit their loved ones for a final time in the prison before 15.00. When the family arrived at the prison, they were told to go instead to the coroner's office to collect the body of their loved one who had already been executed.

List of names of 28 Sunni prisoners who had been forcibly moved out of Hall 10 of Ward 4 in Gohardasht Prison in the afternoon of Monday, August 1, 2016:

Kaveh Veysi
Taleb Molki
Behrouz Shah-Nazari
Barzan Nosratollah-Zadeh
Farzad Shah-Nazari
Varya Qaderi-Fard
Keyvan Momeni-Fard
Alam Bamashti
Seyyed Jamal Seyyed-Moussavi
Edris Ne'mati
Ahmad Nasiri
Mokhtar Rahimi
Yavar Rahimi
Pourya Mohammadi
Farzad Honarjou
Shahram Ahmadi
Farshid Nasseri
Amjad Salehi
Omid Peyvand
Arash Sharifi
Kaveh Sharifi
Shahu Ebrahimi
Abdollah Sharifi
Jamal Qaderi
Omid Mahmoudi
Mohammad Gharibi
Fouad Yousefi
Keyvan Karimi

URGENT: Iran regime planning to execute 20 Sunni prisoners imminently

NCRI - According to information from Iran's notorious Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran, the mullahs' regime is planning to execute some 20 Sunni prisoners imminently.

Their families have been informed to go to the prison to visit them for a final time.

Among the death-row prisoners at urgent risk of execution is Shahram Ahmadi.

UPDATE - 14.00 (CET): The relatives of one of the prisoners were informed on the way to the prison that instead of meeting their loved one for a final time in prison, they should collect the body of their loved one from the morgue. It is feared that the 20 prisoners may have already been executed, but this is being investigated.

UPDATE - 14.15 (CET): Another report from families of victims said the families were told to visit their loved ones for a final time in the prison before 15.00 (local time) on Tuesday. When the family arrived at the prison, they were told to go instead to the coroner's office to collect the body of their loved one who had already been executed..........

It does no good to expect the best from Iran

On Monday, July 18, the United Nations released a report assessing the Islamic Republic of Iran’s compliance with the nuclear agreement concluded by Iran and six world powers last July. While the report found that Iran has been upholding its most basic requirements under the deal – limiting its number of operational enrichment centrifuges and the size of its stockpile of low enriched uranium – the report also noted that the Iranian regime had failed to meet the higher standards of compliance. Through its repeated test-firings of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles, its provision of weapons to foreign conflict zones, and its general antagonism toward Western powers and the world community, the Islamic Republic has clearly been violating the “spirit” of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

This is very much in keeping with what we already understand about the Iranian regime. Full-fledged compliance with international accords was always a pipe-dream, pursued only by the most naïve actors such as the Obama administration, which sold the deal to lawmakers and the American public in part by claiming that it was made possible by the 2013 election of “moderate” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.........

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, meets President Mahmoud Abbas

On Saturday evening, July 30, 2016, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, met with Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, and they discussed the crises in the region.

President Mahmoud Abbas, at the meeting, reiterated the need to combat fundamentalism and terrorism in the region and informed Mrs. Rajavi of the latest developments in the Middle East, in particular regarding Palestine and France's initiative.

Mrs. Rajavi expressed gratitude for the solidarity of the Palestinian resistance and its leader with the Iranian people and Resistance. She congratulated the Palestinian government on its victories and expressed hope that the goal of the Palestinian people would be achieved. She reiterated that the Iranian regime is the main instigator of sectarian discord, fundamentalism and terrorism in the entire region, in particular in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine, but she added that today the mullahs' regime is at its weakest and most fragile and vulnerable state. This reality can be seen clearly in the hysteric reaction of the regime's officials and state media to the Iranian Resistance's July 9 gathering.

Mrs. Rajavi reiterated that the regime is above all fearful of the solidarity and unity between the Iranian people and Resistance and the countries and nations of the region. Therefore, the countries of the region and the Iranian people and Resistance ought to take the initiative to free the region from the scourge of fundamentalism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 31, 2016

السيد الرئيس يستقبل رئيسة المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية في الخارج ...

Monday, August 1, 2016

السيد الرئيس يستقبل رئيسة المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية في الخارج ...

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, meets President Mahmoud Abbas

On Saturday evening, July 30, 2016, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, met with Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, and they discussed the crises in the region.

President Mahmoud Abbas, at the meeting, reiterated the need to combat fundamentalism and terrorism in the region and informed Mrs. Rajavi of the latest developments in the Middle East, in particular regarding Palestine and France's initiative.

Mrs. Rajavi expressed gratitude for the solidarity of the Palestinian resistance and its leader with the Iranian people and Resistance. She congratulated the Palestinian government on its victories and expressed hope that the goal of the Palestinian people would be achieved. She reiterated that the Iranian regime is the main instigator of sectarian discord, fundamentalism and terrorism in the entire region, in particular in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine, but she added that today the mullahs' regime is at its weakest and most fragile and vulnerable state. This reality can be seen clearly in the hysteric reaction of the regime's officials and state media to the Iranian Resistance's July 9 gathering.

Mrs. Rajavi reiterated that the regime is above all fearful of the solidarity and unity between the Iranian people and Resistance and the countries and nations of the region. Therefore, the countries of the region and the Iranian people and Resistance ought to take the initiative to free the region from the scourge of fundamentalism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 31, 2016


The following is a video clip with highlights of the meeting on Saturday between Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, and Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority.

 The video clip was published on the YouTube account of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi:

 The following video clip of the meeting was published on the YouTube account of President Mahmoud Abbas:............

Iranian opposition consolidates efforts with Palestinians

President of National Council of Resistance (NCR) Maryam Rajavi met on Saturday, in Paris with the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. At the meeting, the two politicians reiterated the need to combat terrorism and fundamentalism in the region, and discussed the French initiative to revive peace process between Israel and Palestine.

Rajavi, a leader of the Iranian opposition in exile met with Mahmoud Abbas, who visited Paris to discuss two-state solution with the French President Francois Hollande and US Secretary of State John Kerry. Abbas expressed his solidarity with the NCR, whereas Rajavi supported the initiative of France regarding the resumption of Israel-Palestine peace talks, and accused the Iranian regime of instigating sectarian discord in the region.

The NCR was founded in July 1981 in Tehran to oppose the fundamentalist regime ruling Iran and establish a pluralist democracy. Eventually, the Council moved its headquarters to Paris. On July 9, 2016 NRC organised an annual rally in the capital of France, which brought together dissidents and activists living in exile from Iran around the world.......

Sunday, July 31, 2016

زندانی سیاسی ابوالقاسم فولادوند تحت شرایط شدید امنیتی، در بیمارستان هزار تختخوابی

زندانی سیاسی ابوالقاسم فولادوند از بستگان مجاهدان اشرفی، به‌دنبال وخامت حالش در روز چهارشنبه ۶مرداد به بیمارستان هزار تختخوابی منتقل شد و تحت شرایط شدید امنیتی قرار گرفت.
این زندانی سیاسی که از بیماریهای مختلف رنج می‌برد، در بیمارستان ممنوع الملاقات است و در اتاقی که بستری است چند تن از مأموران اطلاعات آخوندی مستقر شده و اجازه هیچ ملاقاتی را نمی‌دهند.
به گفته پرسنل بیمارستان زندانی سیاسی ابوالقاسم فولادوند در بخش جراحی ۱ و ۵ در طبقه دوم بیمارستان بستری است.
این زندانی سیاسی تا کنون بارها پس از کارشکنی و ممانعت دژخیمان زندان٫به بیمارستان اعزام و بدون درمان به زندان برگردانده شده بود.
ابوالقاسم فولادوند توسط شعبه ۱۵ دادگاه ارتجاع به سرپرستی قاضی جنایتکار صلواتی به اتهام هواداری از سازمان مجاهدین خلق ایران به ۱۸سال حبس قطعی و ۷۴ ضربه شلاق محکوم شده است.

خامنه ای فاشیسم دینی را جار زد مهدی سامع

بار دیگر مقام معظم چهره فاشیستی خود را عیان کرد و زنان را زیر تازیانه شَرع گرفت.
فاشیسم هیتلری ابتدا یهودیان را مجبور به داشتن علامت مخصوص کرد، سپس آنان را مورد آزار و اذیت قرار داد و به جدا سازی اقدام کرد و بالاخره آنان را دستگیر و روانه اردوگاههای کشتار و کوره های آدم سوزی کرد. خمینی هم در دهه ۶۰ با کشتارهای وحشیانه و با قتل عام زندانیان سیاسی در تابستان ۱۳۶۷ که اکنون در سالگرد آن هستیم، همین راه و روش فاشیستی را در پیش گرفت. اکنون خامنه ای با خط و نشان کشیدن برای زنان کُنه افکار و کردار فاشیستی خود را به نمایش گذاشته است.

روز ۲۰ اردیبهشت امسال خلیفه تهران درجمع تعدادی از اراذل و اوباش که با اتیکت تقلبی «شورای جبهه ملی مردمی» علامت گذاری شده و با صفت «عفاف و حجاب» رفتار پلیدشان پوشانده شده بود، دستورات جابرانه خود را صادر کرد. حرفهای او در آن موقع بازتاب رسانه ای نداشت. 
دو ماه بعد در دومین اجلاس فعالان [بخوانید قَداره بندان] مردمی [بخوانید اراذل و اوباش] عرصه عفاف و حجاب که در روزهای چهارشنبه ۳۰ و پنجشنبه ۳۱ تیر امسال در مشهد برگزار شد، آخوند دعایی دستورات مقام معظم را به اطلاع تعدادی از اعضای باندهای سیاه ولایت با عنوان «فعال فرهنگی» رساند. 
به گزارش رجانیوز، فرازهایی از سخنان خامنه ای چنین است: 
«بحثهای انحرافی همانند این که حجاب الزامی، اجباری یا اختیاری است، وجود دارد. این حرفها به نظر من در جمهوری اسلامی جا ندارد……اگر چنانچه معلوم شد چیزی از نظر شرع حرام است، حکومت اسلامی موظف است که در مقابل این حرام بایستد. ….می بینید انگیزه هایی را که برای ترویج بی عفتی -نه بی حجابی- در جامعه وجود دارد و دارند تزریق می کنند. این ابزارهای جدید مانند فضای مجازی و غیره به این فضا کمک می کنند….. نمی شود گفت ما عرضه مشروبات الکی را آزاد کنیم و بگوییم مردم نخورید! شارع مقدس برای این موضوع شلاق قرار داده، یعنی این جوری نیست که فقط به نکنید گفتن اکتفا کند. 
ممکن است شما بگویید فلان روش، روش غلط، تند یا ناکارآمدی است و فلان روش روش بهتری است، اینها بحث دیگری است، اما در اینکه باید مواجهه و مقابله کرد، در این کسی نباید تردید کند

کشف ِ خـلاق ِ حـنيف – عزيز فولاد وند

دفاعيه اي است در حق آن انديشمند فرهيخته، آن عاصي خوب و ساده زيست، آن آرمانخواه نستوه. “حنيف” را مي گويم. آن راهگشا، آن بَلَدِ راه را مي گويم. نامي که در حافظه جمعي خطه فرهنگي ما حضوري پُر رنگ دارد. راهگشاي انديشه اي که با حيات سياسي ـ اجتماعي معاصر ما پيوندي عميق دارد. انديشه “حنيف” به موضوعي جدي، در جامعه ما تبديل شده است.

جهان در شعله هاي آتش ِ قساوت و عدم مدارا مي سوزد. براي دسترسي به تسامحي اي نسبي راه درازي در پيش داريم. اين راه بسي مشقت زا و پر سنگلاخ است. عدم وجود قلاوُزي (مرشدي) ذيصلاح بر سختي کار مي افزايد. سردرگمي، تنفر، رميدگي و برتري منشي هنجارغالب شده است. آتش کينه، نفرت و نبود مهرورزي هم در جهان اسلام شعله ور است. حتي ميراث فرهنگي آشور و اکد هم از شعله هاي اين خشم و کين مصون نيست.

در کوچه پس کوچه هاي اين ديار، خاور ميانه، زماني موعظه گري عاصي و پر از مِهر، رو به مردم چنين بشارت مي داد:

“خوشا به حال گرسنگان و تشنگان عدالت، زيرا سير خواهند شد،

خوشا به حال آنان که مهربان و با گذشتند، زيرا از ديگران گذشت خواهند ديد،

خوشا به حال پاک دلان، زيرا خدا را خواهند ديد،

خوشا به حال آنان که براي برقراري صلح بين مردم کوشش مي کنند،

زيرا ايشان فرزندان خدا ناميده خواهند شد…”

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الملک بالرعب و الارهاب! ” این است منطق و شعار و عملکرد حاکمیت آخوندی در ایران و تروریسم و اشاعه ی آن در جهان: بکُش، بترسان و حاکمیت کن!

تروریسم در شکل مدرنش زاده ی خمینی است. او طی سال ۱۳۵۷ با کاربرد شیوه ی ترور و تخریب و ارتکاب جنایت، چهره ی انقلاب ضد سلطنتی مردم ایران را مخدوش و نا زیبا کرد. نمی توان تردید داشت که در جریان قیام مردم و در مسیر تظاهرات و اعتصاب های بر حق قشرهای مختلف جامعه علیه بی عدالتی ها و قانون شکنی های رژیم پیشین، اعوان و انصار خمینی و لومپن های فاقد هر گونه پرنسیپ های انسانی،ترور را به انقلاب زیبای مردم ایران تحمیل کردند.
آتش زدن سینماها، تخریب مغاز ها و محل کار صاحبان بخش خصوصی و غارت آنها، چپاول بانک ها، ویران کردن اداره ها و سازمان های دولتی، همگی و بدون استثناء سرچشمه در خواست جنایتکارانه خمینی و ملایان چسبیده به او داشتند نه در قیام مردم ایران برای پایان دادن به استبداد و استقرار آزادی و دموکراسی . پیروان خمینی اوج اینگونه تروریسم کور را در آخر مرداد پنجاه و هفت با به آتش کشیدن سینما رکس آبادن و سوزاندن بیش چهار صد تن زن و مرد پیر و جوان و کودک به نمایش گذاشتند.
درست از فردای سقوط رژیم پیشین (به علت سلطه ی خمینی به جای حاکمیت مردم، از کار برد مفهوم ” پیروزی انقلاب” پرهیز می کنم)، خمینی نه مبتنی بر تحبیب دل های مردم ایران و اتکاء به قانون های پذیرفته شده ی بین المللی، بلکه بر اساس اشاعه ی ترور در داخل و خارج از کشور، به تحکیم پایه های حاکمیتش پرداخت. ماجراهای ترورهای داخلی و کشتار ده ها هزار تن از مردم آزادخواه ایران را نمی توان در صدها کتاب و هزاران گزارش محدود بیان کرد. ترور هائی که از همان هفته های اول چیرگی خمینی و با حمله وحشیانه به تظاهرات آرام زنان در چهاردهم اسفند پنجاه و هفت با شعار خمینی خواسته ی ” یا روسری یا توسری” آغاز شدند و با کشتارهای کم نظیرمردم تا همین امروز ادامه دارند.

«سیل بنیان کن» در فضای مجازی

نمایش جمعه این هفته تهران را آخوند گریان صدیقی برگزار کرد. این آخوند جنایتکار که نمی‌توانست از بحران فیشهای حقوق نجومی کارگزاران نظام که گریبان رژیم ولایت‌فقیه را گرفته فرار کند در ترس از حرکتهای اعتراضی مردم، به‌ویژه جوانان و کارگران گفت که «غفلتی واقع شده» که ما یعنی کارگزاران نظام «چشم باز می‌کنیم ما ادعای حکومت.. » و در ادامه وقیحانه از حکومت علوی و اسلامی دم زد.
بسا ننگ و نفرین بر آخوندهای جنایتکار که به نام اسلام، این دین برابری و مساوات و به نام حضرت علی علیه‌السلام، سمبل پاکدستی در بیت‌المال، که بخاطر خفتن بر حصیری به روی خاک لقب ابوتراب گرفته بود، چنین غارت و چپاول نجومی‌یی را راه انداختند و این‌طور بر گرده مردم مظلوم ایران سوار شدند. در این زمینه گفتنیها بسیار است، اما اجازه بدهید به بخش دیگری از صحبتهای آخوند صدیقی بپردازیم. او در بخش دیگری از صحبت هایش دنبالة حرفهای ولی‌فقیهش را گرفت و چنین حرفهایی زد: «و اما آخرین نکته‌یی که به‌محضر شریف شما عرض می‌کنم که هم هشدار است هم استنثار است و هم خون جگر است, این ولنگاری فرهنگی است؛ رهبری فرمودند من احساس می‌کنم هم در دولت و هم در غیردولت یک نوع ولنگاری وجود دارد بیش از ۱۰۰ شبکه ماهواره‌یی با زبان فارسی به اعتقادات ما می‌تازند به اخلاقیات ما می‌تازند؛ این شبکه‌های مجازی بصورت یک رودخانه‌یی در حرکت است و هر لحظه به‌صورت سیل بنیان کن در میآیند» . (رادیو معارف ۸مرداد ۹۵)

Fate of Iran rulers tied to women's veil (Hijab)

Why have Tehran mullahs begun a new round of repression of women?
Thirty-eight years after the clerical regime took power in Iran
and imposed the mandatory veil on women, today, one of the most serious political and security predicaments of the mullahs is Iranian women and girls' active refusal to give in to the medieval laws instructing them to wear the veil.
Unable to respond to the needs of a progressive and freedom-loving society that had torn the bondage of a monarchic dictatorship, the new fundamentalist regime in Tehran found the solution for imposing its rule in coercing women to wear the veil and suppressing the entire society thereby.
The solution fit well with the mullahs' misogynist vision and allowed them to conceal their political oppression and savagery in a religious wrap for justification. That is why misogyny and suppression of women are indispensable to the regime's domestic repression and has turned into a pillar of the mullahs' rule, just as important as their policies of warmongering, export of terrorism and acquiring the nuclear bomb.
In the beginning of the 21st century, however, after almost four decades of excessive restrictions, coercion and discrimination against women, and despite deployment of at least 26 cultural, religious, military, disciplinary, legislative, judicial and executive agencies, the regime's failure to contain Iran's resilient women and girls has turned into a political scandal and security threat. For this reason, the regime finds itself in need of imposing further restrictions and the mullahs' supreme leader has personally intervened...........

Iran's Maryam Rajavi meets Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

On Saturday evening, July 30, 2016, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, met with Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, and they discussed the crises in the region.

President Mahmoud Abbas, at the meeting, reiterated the need to combat fundamentalism and terrorism in the region and informed Mrs. Rajavi of the latest developments in the Middle East, in particular regarding Palestine and France's initiative.

Mrs. Rajavi expressed gratitude for the solidarity of the Palestinian resistance and its leader with the Iranian people and Resistance. She congratulated the Palestinian government on its victories and expressed hope that the goal of the Palestinian people would be achieved. She reiterated that the Iranian regime is the main instigator of sectarian discord, fundamentalism and terrorism in the entire region, in particular in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine, but she added that today the mullahs' regime is at its weakest and most fragile and vulnerable state. This reality can be seen clearly in the hysteric reaction of the regime's officials and state media to the Iranian Resistance's July 9 gathering.

Mrs. Rajavi reiterated that the regime is above all fearful of the solidarity and unity between the Iranian people and Resistance and the countries and nations of the region. Therefore, the countries of the region and the Iranian people and Resistance ought to take the initiative to free the region from the scourge of fundamentalism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 31, 2016

NCRI head Maryam Rajavi meets Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

Paris, 31 Jul – Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met and discussed regional crises on Saturday evening, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said in a statement on Sunday.

President Mahmoud Abbas, at the meeting, reiterated the need to combat fundamentalism and terrorism in the region and informed Mrs. Rajavi of the latest developments in the Middle East, in particular with regard to Palestine and France's initiative”, the NCRI statement said.

“Mrs. Rajavi expressed gratitude for the solidarity of the Palestinian resistance and its leader with the Iranian people and Resistance. She congratulated the Palestinian government on its victories and expressed hope that the goal of the Palestinian people would be achieved. She reiterated that the Iranian regime is the main instigator of sectarian discord, fundamentalism and terrorism in the entire region, in particular in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Palestine, but she added that today the mullahs' regime is at its weakest and most fragile and vulnerable state. This reality can be seen clearly in the hysteric reaction of the regime's officials and state media to the Iranian Resistance's July 9 gathering”.

Rajavi reiterated that Iranian “regime is above all fearful of the solidarity and unity between the Iranian people and Resistance and the countries and nations of the region. Therefore, the countries of the region and the Iranian people and Resistance ought to take the initiative to free the region from the scourge of fundamentalism”.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, meets President Mahmoud Abbas

On Saturday evening, July 30, 2016, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, met with Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, and they discussed the crises in the region.

President Mahmoud Abbas, at the meeting, reiterated the need to combat fundamentalism and terrorism in the region and informed Mrs. Rajavi of the latest developments in the Middle East, in particular regarding Palestine and France's initiative.

Mrs. Rajavi expressed gratitude for the solidarity of the Palestinian resistance and its leader with the Iranian people and Resistance. She congratulated the Palestinian government on its victories and expressed hope that the goal of the Palestinian people would be achieved. She reiterated that the Iranian regime is the main instigator of sectarian discord, fundamentalism and terrorism in the entire region, in particular in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine, but she added that today the mullahs' regime is at its weakest and most fragile and vulnerable state. This reality can be seen clearly in the hysteric reaction of the regime's officials and state media to the Iranian Resistance's July 9 gathering.

Mrs. Rajavi reiterated that the regime is above all fearful of the solidarity and unity between the Iranian people and Resistance and the countries and nations of the region. Therefore, the countries of the region and the Iranian people and Resistance ought to take the initiative to free the region from the scourge of fundamentalism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 31, 2016

السيد الرئيس يستقبل رئيسة المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية في الخارج ...

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Iranian women reportedly arrested for riding bicycles in public

Iranian authorities are reportedly enforcing a rule which prohibits women from publicly riding their bicycles, reports the International Business Times.

According to the National Council of Resistance of Iran, or NCRI, some women were arrested on July 26 for violating the recent directive.

Signs reportedly went up in May, with one example translated by NCRI as saying, "Bicycle riding for women is prohibited in this place. Women are set to ride at the women's park."

It was signed by the "Headquarters of prohibiting vice and promoting virtue" which the organization says is "one of the 26 Iranian agencies tasked with cracking down on women."

Some of the cyclists are believed to have been taken into custody after they resisted officers' orders to pledge in writing that they would not engage in the banned activity again.

It is unknown if these women continue to be held, but an NCRI member has since issued a statement condemning "such gender discrimination."....

Hanging with the People's Mujahadeen of Iran

In 1997, US President Bill Clinton added Iran’s People’s Mujahadeen (Mujahideen Khalq in Persian, or MEK) to the list of designated foreign terrorist organizations, and in 2012 his wife Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took them off.

One of them erred and erred badly.

The MEK fought hard against the Shah Reza Pahlavi before and during the Iranian Revolution in 1979. Afterward, when the Islamist faction led by Ayatollah Khomeini emerged the strong horse in the ensuing struggle for power, they fought the new government alongside Iran’s leftist movements and lost.

Iran’s government insists on calling them terrorists and convinced Bill Clinton to do so as well.

They’re based in France now. They have to base themselves somewhere outside Iran because they’ll be tortured and executed if they go home. And they’ve formed a larger umbrella organization that includes other opposition movements called the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Every year they hold a huge rally in Paris that’s broadcast live on television (via satellite, of course) into Iran.

They invited me this year, so I went.............

U.S. Policy Should Work To Transform Iran

n around 100 days America will be witnessing a crucial election. In the meantime, much will be done on both sides of the national divide, and this year we may see more than the usual political maneuvering in the run-up to this election.

Regardless of the outcome, the next president will face the same unique national security challenges. The Middle East is in a greater crisis than ever before and according to various analysts, it is heading toward anarchy. The scenes of defenseless people getting killed in Syria have only grown more painful over the past year, even as they have become less prevalent on our TV screens. Islamic extremism and the resulting terrorism is now targeting Western Europe, America and the Middle East with unprecedented barbarity, and there is no easy response to it.

The issue of Islamic extremism brings to mind one of our main foreign policy challenges: Iran.............

ترانه آخرين برگ زندگي من

Iran reveals paranoia over opposition forces’ Free Iran rally in Paris

London, 29 Jul – Iran’s regime has tried to perpetrate the myth that there is no viable opposition to its rule, the opponents of the theocratic government say. Tehran has suggested that the Iranian Resistance, made up of groups like the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), does not have the support of the Iranian people.

This insinuates that the only choice for the West is to appease the dictatorship or declare a full-on war; which considering recent Western involvement in the Middle East is an unfavourable option.

The NCRI said: “The Free Iran gathering in Paris on July 9 punctured Tehran’s long-held narrative. According to scores of media outlets, some 100,000 Iranians and their international supporters participated in the event.”

Their supporters included influential people from around the world; former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Governor and Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean, former President of the European Commission Jose Manual Barroso, former Foreign Minister of Canada John Baird, and Prince Turki al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia.

The NCRI also reveals that risks taken by opposition forces within Iran; they smuggled messages of support to the Western media, released a video expressing support for the Resistance........

Tehran’s paranoia over opposition Free Iran rally in Paris

NCRI - For years, the Iranian regime has been peddling the notion that no viable opposition exists in Iran. In its relations with foreign governments, Tehran downplays the existence of a viable opposition, in particular suggesting that the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, PMOI (MEK), has no major standing among Iranians and poses no serious threat. As such, for a long time Tehran opted the line of trying to ignore the PMOI and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

This argument intended to convince its interlocutors that the only realistic policy options are either appeasing Tehran or waging a full-fledged external war. And given the tragic experiences of recent history in the Middle East, Iran’s mullahs remain confident that appeasement looks like the more attractive option.

The Free Iran gathering in Paris on July 9 punctured Tehran’s long held narrative. According to scores of media outlets, some 100,000 Iranians and their international supporters participated in the event........

U.S. Policy Should Work to Transform Iran

By Ken Blackwell
In around 100 days America will be witnessing a crucial election. In the meantime, much will be done on both sides of the national divide, and this year we may see more than the usual political maneuvering in the run-up to this election.

Regardless of the outcome, the next president will face the same unique national security challenges. The Middle East is in a greater crisis than ever before and according to various analysts, it is heading toward anarchy. The scenes of defenseless people getting killed in Syria have only grown more painful over the past year, even as they have become less prevalent on our TV screens. Islamic extremism and the resulting terrorism is now targeting Western Europe, America, and the Middle East with unprecedented barbarity, and there is no easy response to it.

The issue of Islamic extremism brings to mind one of our main foreign policy challenges: Iran.

This is a country ruled by a theocracy that plays an active and destructive role in all major wars in the Middle East, from Syria to Iraq to Yemen. Tehran is known as the main state sponsor of terrorism across the globe, as well as being one of the originators of modern extremist Islam. And despite the nuclear agreement with the international community, Iran continues its provocative gestures toward the Western world, for instance by test-firing its ballistic missiles...............

الشرق‌الأوسط: ”رژیم ایران.. از بین بردن دیشها و راه‌اندازی کانال ها! “

الشرق‌الأوسط روز چهارشنبه ۶مرداد با عنوان ”رژیم ایران.. از بین بردن دیشها و راه‌اندازی کانال ها! “نابود کردن ۱۰۰هزار دریافت کننده تلویزیونهای ماهواره‌یی توسط ارگانهای سرکوبگر رژیم آخوندی ، به سخره گرفت و نوشت: «کم‌ترین چیزی که درباره این خبر می‌توان گفت این است که خبر مسخره‌یی است و دلیلی بر جدی نبودن رژیم ایران است که برخی طرفهای غربی تلاش می‌کنند به آن رنگ و لعاب بدهند. خبر این است که برخی نهادهای رژیم ایران اقدام به از بین بردن صد هزار دیش ماهواره‌یی کردند به این بهانه که مخالف با نظام است و ارزشهای اخلاقی و فرهنگی جامعه را تهدید می‌کند! رژیم ایران در داخل چنین کاری می‌کند در حالی که به راه‌اندازی و حمایت مالی شبکه‌های ماهواره‌یی به زبان عربی را در منطقه ادامه می‌دهد» .

در ادامه مقاله الشرق‌الأوسط آمده است: «غیر از روزنامه‌ها، سایتهای خبری، آژانس‌ها، که بسیاری از آنها در «توییتر» معروف هستند، و برخی از آنها واضح و برخی دیگر تقلبی هستند و هدف آنها فتنه افکنی در منطقه و به‌ویژه عربستان است که به گفته یکی از مسؤلان آنها، صدها هزار شناسه مجازی وجود دارد که از سایتهای با نفوذ رژیم ایران اداره می‌شوند و این واقعیتی است که هرازگاهی در عربستان کشف می‌شود. موضوع به اینجا ختم نمی‌شود، چرا که وزیر اطلاع‌رسانی بحرین پیش از این در مصاحبه‌یی با روزنامه ما گفت: ۴۰ ایستگاه تحت حمایت مالی رژیم ایران هستند که امنیت بحرین را هدف قرار داده‌اند. برای همه روشن است که رژیم ایران این کار را برای توسعه نفوذ مذهبی خود در منطقه انجام می‌دهد، و این امر در لبنان به‌طور آشکار دیده می‌شود. و پیش از آن تلاش هایی برای نفوذ به مصر وجود داشت

اظهارات فائزه رفسنجانی و تشدید موج حملات باند خامنه‌ای

در ادامه بحران درونی حکومت آخوندی و اظهارات فائزه رفسنجانی درباره انزجار اجتماعی از استبداد دینی و خودکامگی خامنه‌ای، عوامل ولی‌فقیه ارتجاع رفسنجانی را به‌شدت مورد حمله قرار داده‌اند. فائزه رفسنجانی در اظهاراتی که روی شبکه‌های اجتماعی منتشر شده گفته بود:
من معتقدم که حکومتها به‌خاطر خطاهایی که دارند به پای دین می‌نویسند دین رو بهش آسیب می‌زنند و به همین دلیل من فکر می‌کنم برای این‌که دین آسیب نبینه و مردم نسبت به دین حالت زدگی پیدا نکنند حکومت اگر دینی نباشه بهتره. من به‌دلیل موافق نیستم (کف زدن جمعیت) شاید برای در ابتدای انقلاب فکر می‌شد این حکومت با بقیه حکومتها فرق میکنه و میتونه اسلام واقعی رو پیاده بکنه. ولی به مرور زمان دیدیم نه، نه تنها حاکمان ما اسلام واقعی رو پیاده نکردند بلکه جامعه ما هم نسبت به دین به‌خاطر عملکرد حاکمیت گریزان شد. سایر مسائل رو هم که نگاه بکنیم همینه. بنابراین، به نظر من این نشان‌دهنده تأثیر یک حکومت دینی که ارزشهای مردم رو هم در واقع یک جوری در معرض خطر قرار میده و آن دینی که مردم بهش باور دارند اون هم ضعیف شده. من به همین دلیل فکر می‌کنم حکومت دینی بیشتر دین رو خراب میکنه.
به دنبال اظهارات فائزه رفسنجانی، سایت پاسدار رضایی نوشت: بنا بر نسبت پدر و دختری و جایگاه انتصابی که رفسنجانی در حاکمیت دارد, افکار عمومی به‌دنبال پاسخ و واکنش مناسب وی نسبت به رفتار و اظهارات فائزه هاشمی است. (منبع: تابناک ۵/۵/۹۵) 
آخوند ذوالنور، عضو کمیسیون امنیت مجلس رژیم گفت: خشت اول اعتقادات خانواده رفسنجانی خراب است. (منبع: سایت فردا ۵/۵/۹۵) 
آخوند پژمانفر، رئیس کمیسیون فرهنگی مجلس ارتجاع تأکید کرد که جنجال‌سازی اخیر فائزه هاشمی برای تحت الشعاع قرار دادن رسوایی فیشهای حقوقی است. وی افزود: جامعه سؤالات و ابهاماتی در مورد شخص رفسنجانی دارد که خود او باید سؤالات و ابهامات را پاسخگو باشد. (منبع: رسالت ۶/۵/۹۵) 
روزنامه حکومتی رسالت نیز نوشت: اظهارات فائزه هاشمی مبنی بر «نفی حکومت دینی» که با کف و سوت همراه بود، … قبل از این‌که به نظام ظلم کنند به پدرش ظلم کرده که در برپایی حکومت دینی مرارت‌ها کشیده است.
این روزنامه با یادآوری شعار «انتخابات بهانه است، اصل نظام نشانه است» در جریان قیام مردم در سال ۸۸ وحشت خود را از پیامدهای تعمیق اختلافات در رأس رژیم به نمایش گذاشت. (منبع: رسالت ۶/۵/۹۵) 
یک رسانه‌ی دیگر باند خامنه‌ای به نام مشرق رفسنجانی را در «دوراهی انتخاب» برای آینده خود مخیر کرد که یا همراه با دخترش «سقوط» کند یا از او اعلام «برائت» کرده و خود را «نجات» دهد. (منبع: مشرق۵/۵/۹۵)